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A Comparison of Distributed Memory Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Library Packages

In this BoF developers and users of different FFT packages will answer the following questions in short presentations that lasts not more than 10 min.

Following these questions, there will be a general discussion between the presenters along with audience interaction. Contributions will highlight existing or potential bottlenecks in the different FFT packages; possible methods to overcome them as well as FFT interface design.

Conference page.

Speakers Affiliation Software Presentation
Daisuke Takahashi University of Tsukuba, Japan FFTE Slides
Franz Franchetti ,Thom Popovoci Carnegie Mellon University, USA Spiral Slides
Yu Feng Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics, USA Slides
Jens Henrik Gobbert Julich Supercomputing Center, Germany nb3dfft Slides
Sunita Chandrasekaran University of Delaware, USA PsFFT, cusFFT Slides
Amir Gholami University of California at Berkeley, USA AccFFT
Dmitry Pekurovsky San Diego Supercomputing Center, USA P3DFFT Slides
Steve Plimpton Sandia National Laboratories, USA Parallel FFT Slides

Contributors Affiliation Software Presentation
Mikael Mortensen University of Oslo, Norway shenfun Slides